Loki Episode 6 FINALE: 8 Insane Theories That Could Be True

4. King Loki

loki castle dr doom theory
Marvel Studios

Particularly in the MCU circles, trailers can be something of a double edged sword. They are perfect for getting audiences excited about a new project, but they will always be scrutinised thoroughly by fans, and if there is even the slightest hint of a spoiler or a surprise, it will be found.

In this case, the clue wasn't particularly hidden, as fans were given a look at Loki sitting atop a throne. Going into the final episode of the series, the character affectionately referred to as King Loki is yet to be seen, leading some to believe that he will be the kingpin behind the entire TVA.

With the development that Loki has undergone over the last five episodes, it's hard to picture him putting on his best robes and actually taking a crown.

He is a different character than he was at the start of the series, so this must be a Variant, and really the only opportunity for another Loki, or another character in general to be introduced as the occupant of the castle in the Void.

This is Loki's series after all, and a running theme has been about our Loki trying to force change for the better. What more appropriate symbolism could there be for him trying to be a better person than for him to literally have to face off against the most evil version of himself?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.