Loki Episode 6 FINALE: 8 Insane Theories That Could Be True

2. Sylvie's Nexus Event

loki castle dr doom theory
Marvel Studios

Most of the Loki Variants were able to live at least some part of their lives before being taken by the TVA. Classic Loki, Boastful Loki, and President Loki and his army of Lokis were all grown men, while Sylvie was taken from Asgard when she was just an innocent young girl, having done nothing consciously wrong.

Her whole life she has been uncertain of what exactly her Nexus event was, but there is a theory that suggests all the evidence is already there to piece together what happened.

When Renslayer turned up to arrest the Goddess of Mischief, she was playing with her toys and acting out a scenario in which a Valkyrie saved Asgard from a dragon.

When she arrived at the TVA, she saw a man struggling, and her first instinct was to beg the people around her to help him. The theory is simply, Sylvie's crime against the Sacred Timeline was that she was good.

Lokis are typically evil from a young age, with Kid Loki's Nexus event being that he killed his brother, yet Sylvie idolised Asgard's heroes, and tried to help when she saw someone in trouble.

She was a kindhearted young girl, which couldn't have been further from what a typical Loki was supposed to be.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.