Loki Episode 6 FINALE: 8 Insane Theories That Could Be True

3. Billy & Tommy Maximoff Are Trapped In The Void

loki castle dr doom theory
Marvel Studios

For the first four episodes of Loki, it was thought that being pruned by one of the TVA's Minute Men was a death sentence.

However, when Loki awoke surrounded by Variants of himself it became clear that this was not the case. Judge Renslayer explained to Sylvie that, since it is impossible to erase matter completely, Variants and their timelines are simply transferred to the Void at the end of time.

This could hold a surprising connection to the MCU's first Disney+ series, WandaVision. When Wanda lost Vision, she created a Hex in which she was able to fabricate another version of Vision, as well as her twin boys, Tommy and Billy.

At the conclusion of the series, Wanda brought down her Hex, and with it the family she had created disappeared. However, if Renslayer's words are applied here, it would be impossible to delete the three from existence completely. Could they instead have simply been transferred to the Void at the end of time as well?

The final post credit scene showed Wanda hearing very faint calls from her boys, which this theory now suggests were coming from the Void. This could be another tie between Wanda and the Multiverse that will bring her together with Doctor Strange in 2022.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.