Loki Episode Four: 10 Biggest Questions

8. Is This Another Step Towards The Young Avengers?

Loki Time Keepers

The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy are without a doubt the biggest and best teams the MCU has to offer, with a smaller shout out to the Revengers, however there are several more on the way. The Marvels, the Fantastic Four, the Eternals, and the X-Men will all soon be part of the franchise, as well as another potential team up.

The Young Avengers have been on the horizon in the MCU for some time now, and the potential roster simply keeps on growing.

With a re-cast Cassie Lang, Billy and Tommy Maximoff, and Eli Bradley now in the franchise, and Kate Bishop, Riri Williams, and America Chavez coming soon, it seems almost inevitable that fans will get to see this team up.

It's also entirely possible that episode four of Loki just added another future member to the MCU. Kid Loki has now made his debut on Disney+, and while he hasn't said or done anything just yet, episodes five and six will likely see him enjoy a relatively important role.

In the comics, Kid Loki was really more of a colleague of the Young Avengers instead of being a full time member, but that is surely enough to inspire the MCU to bring him into its version of the team when the time comes.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.