Lost: 20 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References You Must See

4. Jack's Crossword Puzzle

Episode: A Tale Of Two Cities Lost is absolutely a show that pays from careful viewing; there are still probably tons of references and easter eggs that remain undiscovered, embedded so deep in the construct of the narrative that even the most feverish of fans are yet to find them. That said, the emergence of DVD and its wondrous pause feature has made things a lot easier. How else would we have been able to glimpse the subtle clues contained within Jack's crossword, after all? You know: the one briefly seen in episode A Tale Of Two Cities. The words seen here - necessary evils; rafts; heroes; prenatal; O'Toole - all make candid references to events in the show, past, present and future. "Raft," for example, plainly speaks for itself, whilst "O'Toole" - seemingly unrelated - was the name of the bar where husband and wife duo Bernard and Rose were seen to meet in their flashback sequence.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.