Lost: 20 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References You Must See

2. Charlie Hiernoymus Pace

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXSDerPvGHo Episode: Flashes Before Your Eyes This easter egg has to be one of the most complex and unexpected on the entire list, given that it stems from such a small, insignificant detail. So think back to the the season three episode Flashes Before Your Eyes. In said episode, Desmond angrily steps out onto a street in London and sees a pre-famous Charlie on the streets, busking and singing Oasis' Wonderwall. It's really hard to see, but there's a sign visible for less than a second that displays the name "Charlie Hiernoymus Pace." From that sign, then, we learn Charlie's middle name. And that's a weird name, right? Why did the writers opt for such a thing? Well, the name appears to have been a nod to Italian inventor and Renaissance man Hiernoymus Cardanus, who - among many things - invented something called a "Cardan shaft." Nowadays, the closest thing we have towards a Cardan shaft is... you guessed it: a drive shaft. Which leads us to "Drive Shaft," which was the name of Charlie's band. Mind blown? It's okay: Lost will do that to you.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.