Lost: How It Should Be Re-Cast In 2021

9. Sun-Hwa Kwon - Ji-so Jung

Lost Recast
ABC/CJ Entertainment

Let's move from one half of the Kwon family to another, in Sun-Hwa Kwon. This character began the show with seemingly no autonomy thanks to her husband but eventually grew into a prominent member of the survivors. She was innocent, brave and intelligent, which made her a welcome presence in the series.

Picking someone to take the role in the modern age is tough, but the actor Ji-so Jung would be an inspired choice. She has made a few appearances in Korean movies like Daughter and The Tiger but amassed her most considerable success in 2019s runaway hit Parasite as the young daughter of the family - Da Hye.

Thanks to her youth, she's excellent at playing young delinquents. So, moving onto a more mature role like Sun would be a great descision for her. She'd easily capture the earlier stages of Sun that make her seem like a victim, but there's a fire and strength behind Jung that would help her carve out the more prominent side of the character as she progressed.

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