Lost: Top 15 Deaths

4. Charlie Pace

After two seasons of ups and downs in audience appreciation for him, Charlie Pace learned early on in season three that he was going to die. For many, it seemed inevitable that Charlie and Desmond would find a way to beat fate at its own game and that Charlie would continue to live, but the show unrelentingly stuck to its guns and came through on highlighting long before hydrogen bombs came into the equation that whatever happened, happened, even if it technically has yet to happen. Charlie may have divided viewers' feelings over the course of his tenure on the show -most notably due to a long stretch of petulance on his part throughout season two - but his reflection on his life in the episode "Greatest Hits" is a wonderful prelude to a send-off for one of the original cast. Charlie's final act of selflessness manages to bring his rocky story arc to a touching end and his message to Desmond that the freighter is "Not Pennys Boat" stands as one of the show's most iconic moments.
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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!