Lost: Top 15 Deaths

5. Juliet Burke

Introduced in the opening scene of season three, the island's resident fertility doctor Juliet Burke met her end in the first episode of the final season after a nine month cliffhanger that saw her desperately pounding away on the hydrogen bomb. While her death was practically telegraphed by a foreboding line from Bernard Nadler earlier in the episode about wanting her to stay for tea, the frantic rescue attempt by Sawyer and Kate to prevent her descent into the shaft is no less gripping, fueled by the great, tragic performances of Elizabeth Mitchell and Josh Holloway. Both actors were given the chance to play their goodbyes in a different circumstance in the season six premiere when Sawyer, Jack and the gang discover that Juliet is still alive, albeit pinned under the old wreckage of the hatch. Juliet's final moments are subdued and sweet, notable for standing in stark contrast to the usually abrupt character deaths of others on the show, and also drops clues for the show's ending in the process. Juliet's actual death in Sawyer's arms may not be as explosively exciting as if her story had ended with the bomb's detonation, but it's that very simplicity that makes it one of the show's most poignant farewells.
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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!