Lost: Top 15 Deaths

8. Alex Rousseau

While the introduction of the freighter in the show's fourth season had heralded the arrival of new allies for the survivors, including Daniel Faraday and pilot Frank Lapidus, it also brought with it the show's biggest human threat yet: Martin Keamy and his team of mercenaries. Upon reaching the island, Keamy and his team wasted no time in leaving bodies in their wake on their mission to capture Ben Linus. After murdering long-time island inhabitant Danielle Rousseau and her daughter's boyfriend Karl Martin, Keamy's team captured Ben's adopted daughter Alex, offering her up for a trade that Ben would undoubtedly be able to squirm his way out of, keep Alex safe and find a way to beat Keamy's employer, Charles Widmore. But in one of the show's biggest heart-stopping moments, Keamy follows through on his threat to kill Alex while Ben attempts to play the mental chess he had always been adept at. Keamy disappears into the jungle, Ben watches in silent horror and viewers were left with their heads spinning at the brutality of what had just occurred. The game had changed in an instant and Alex's death signified the shape of things to come for Ben's journey through the rest of the show.
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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!