Lucifer: Every Season Finale Ranked Worst To Best (So Far)

4. The Good, The Bad, And The Crispy - Season 2

Lucifer finale

In hindsight Lucifer's second season feels a lot like a refinement of the first. The characters were more defined, the stakes were raised and the antagonist, The Goddess, was much better than Malcolm.

The improvement in antagonist is especially evident in this episode as The Goddess steals the show. She's legitimately threatening here and the moments of her targeting Lucifer's friends like Linda and Chloe are incredibly tense. The final scene between her and Lucifer is also one of the emotional highpoints of the entire show, with both Tom Ellis and Tricia Helfer delivering fantastic performances.

Unfortunately, while everything to do with The Goddess is excellent this isn't the case with the procedural crime plot. The show sometimes has trouble merging its supernatural aspects with the crime-of-the-week format and here it's much more noticeable.

The investigation scenes feel like they're robbing focus from the more interesting story rather than contributing anything worthwhile. Even the twist with who the killer is falls flat because the audience is unlikely to remember them.

Despite those flaws however the episodes highs far outweigh the lows, which pushes it just above the first seasons finale.


Alex Paget hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.