Mad Men: 10 Alcoholic Drinks From The Show You Must Try

2. Mint Julep

Rsz Mint Julep Pete Campbell The Mint Julep is a refreshing drink for any occasion, and its tastiness is well known. The classic song "When You Wore A Tulip (And I Wore a Big Red Rose)" from 1914 references how the lover's lips were "sweeter than julep", suggesting the steadfast popularity and deliciousness of the drink throughout history. Mint Juleps had their first Mad Men moment way back in Season 1 when, during Sally's birthday, Betty brought out a tray of them. Betty does seem to prefer her sweeter drinks, and so this was no exception. The Mint Julep is traditionally served in a silver or pewter cup to allow frost to form on the sides of the cup. If you don't happen to have a julep cup then any sort of drinking vessel should suffice but just make sure it's durable as, with this much bourbon, the julep can easily run away with your sobriety without you realising. Ingredients: 15 mint leaves (more or less) 15ml simple syrup 75ml bourbon mint sprig Preparation: Crush together the simple syrup and mint leaves to release the mint oils and flavours. Add the bourbon and fill with crushed ice (but any ice will do). Garnish with the mint sprig.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.