Mad Men Finale: 10 Things That Happened Next

2. Don Returns To Advertising

Don has always had a complicated relationship with advertising. He always seemed secretly unsure of its moral effects, though he did his best to justify his actions. Certainly by the end of the show those doubts had turned to a crushing existential crisis as he quizzed Peggy on what she wanted from her job and where she thought it would lead to. In the final episode we meet Don having given up on that career path altogether, searching anywhere and everywhere for a replacement. Ultimately though, he just can't resist, and while he sits meditating on a cliff on the California coast, the song from that famous Coke ad begins and we're transported into the advert itself, as hippies, black and white, join hands to 'Buy the World a Coke'. The ending was sufficiently open-ended to support a number of theories, but show creator Matthew Weiner has since admitted it was Don who made that advert. It seems the pull of Mccann-Erickson was just too great. However, it looks like he will have to make some concessions. He'll be a smaller fish in a bigger pond, and the crazy days of the 50s and 60s are over. With all that said and done though, you'd bet your house Don succeeds.
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Mad Men
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Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.