Marvel's Iron Fist: 44 Easter Eggs & Reference You Must See

35. The Black Eagle Tattoo

El Aguila Marvel
Marvel Comics

Big Al is a strange addition to the show: he appears, offers some moral support to Danny Rand when he's sleeping rough (as well as a trash burrito), proclaims himself to be mentally unstable and then accidentally over-doses and dies. He's the very definition of filler.

But he does have a reference possibly accidentally built into his character design. Though Danny sees the Eagle tattooed on his fore-arm as a trigger to remember K'un Lun, Iron Fist and Heroes For Hire fans might have thought of El Aguila, the Marvel villain based on Zorro. His name, of course, translates as The Eagle in Spanish, and it was hard not to think the show was hinting at his presence there.

Interestingly, El Aguila turned out to be a fellow vigilante, with a particular distaste for drug dealers, which makes the tattoo all the more tragically resonant.


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