Marvel's Iron Fist: 44 Easter Eggs & Reference You Must See

36. Buddhism

Buddha Pixabay

The writing in the show is occasionally a little iffy, which is slightly annoying given how well the other shows were put together. Having said that, it is fitting that for a while Danny walks around like he's quoting mantras from The Little Book Of Zen, as it makes him seem more alien.

He actually misquotes a couple of important buddhist mantras early in the show including:

"As long as the cycle of existence lasts, may their happiness never decline. May the world attain the constant joy of the Bodhisattvas."

And he then later says "if you wish to see the truth then hold no opinions" to Joy, which is also a misquote. And later still, he quotes one of the fundamental principles of The Dhammapada (the Buddhist bible) saying that kindness is the eternal law.


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