Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 29 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

19. Captain America's Name-Drop

Captain America Magnet

The references to the wider MCU are few and far between - and far less than the other Netflix shows, actually - but there are still nods here and there. The most blatant is the "appearance" of Captain America, he appears in doll form as part of Vido's toy collection.

Interestingly, the toy that Vido shows Jessica when asking if she knows Cap features a magnet holding his shield on, which is definitely mentioned specifically because that mirrors something from the comics in the 60s. Back during the Silver Age, Cap was given a magnetic shield by Tony Stark as a means to explain how his shield always returned to him.

In the same conversation, Jessica says super-powered folk prefer the term "gifted" when Vido asks if she's bulletproof. Not only is the exchange a reference to Luke Cage, but it also feels like a gag at the expense of the X-Men.


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