Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 29 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

16. Voldemort

Voldemort Wand
Warner Bros.

Aside for the Game Of Thrones pinball machine, there aren't really a huge number of modern cultural reference points in this show - which you'd think was a conscious effort not to date it, if it wasn't for the mention of the Ice Bucket Challenge at one point - but Jessica Jones does pull one out early.

She's obviously a Harry Potter fan as she angrily responds to someone refusing to mention Kilgrave's name by saying "he's not Voldemort" - in reference to the power of the Dark Lord's name in the Potterverse. Clearly, she has no time for ceremony when it comes to her enemies.

Interstingly, it's also a way for her to confirm that he no longer has any power over her.


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