Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 29 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

1. With Great Power...

Great Power Great Illness

Along with the gags about Spidey Sense, the show also has two nods to the most famous line in Spider-Man history.

First, in the video diary that the Whizzer made before he was killed, in which he discusses his mental stability, he uses the line "with great power comes great mental illness." That might as well be the show's mantra.

And if that wasn't enough, towards the end when Jessica and Alisa are on the run, Alisa tries to impart some wisdom to her, but Jessica says "if you're about to say 'with great power comes great responsibility' I swear I'll throw up on you." Clearly she's not a fan of Spider-Man morality.

It's a nice way of calling back to Spidey's relationship with her in the comics.

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