Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 29 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

22. Jessica's Swearing

Jessica Jones

The show struggles at times with writing dialogue and there's some terribly on-the-nose exchanges between characters, but it does mostly get Jessica Jones right when she's at her fiery best.

It also nails an element from the comics that will delight her fans: her colourful swearing vocabularly. At one point she shouts "mother !*$% sh*t" as a nod to how normal swearing doesn't always cut it for her in the comics. She once exclaimed "F*cking... Sh*t of all sh*t!" as an indication.

And on top of that she uses the show's finest line towards the end when she says she "don't give a dead moose's last sh*t!" That just about makes up for the poor writing moments.


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