Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2: 29 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

21. Scroty-Sense

Spider-Man Avengers Infinity War
Marvel Studios

There are a couple of good gags at the expense of Spider-Man in the show, but they can be categorised separately. Two of them relate to Spider-Sense, for instance.

In the final episode, Jessica confirms to Vido that she doesn't have any super senses, which is clearly a nod to Spider-Man, but more specifically, right at the start of the show there's a much more barbed gag. When Griffin says he's worried about Trish because he has a bad feeling in his testicles, Jessica refers to his "Scroty-Sense."

So why Spidey? Well, in the comics, Jessica Jones and Spider-Man are best friends and frequently work together. It's just a shame we won't get to see the cross-over here, what with Marvel Studios' aversion to using Netflix characters.


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