Marvel's Luke Cage: Ranking Every Major Character From Worst To Best

1. Shades

Luke Cage Characters

Finest Moment: Avoiding assassination.

Shades almost feels like Game Of Thrones' Littlefinger if he was more willing to get his hands bloody: he's a man who knows how to make relationships with powerful people to his own benefit and when to burn those bridges. He's a master criminal, promoted from petty thug to puppeteer, and the sunglasses gimmick - which could have been silly - is simple and darkly charming.

It helps his whole gig that he's played by the excellent Theo Rossi, whose performance is far more serpentine and conniving than either of the snake bosses he answers to.

It's great to think that he and Black Mariah live to fight on for a second season, as he's now basically off the reigns after Diamondback made the mistake of trying to off him. I'm absolutely game for that team-up.

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