Marvel's Luke Cage: Ranking Every Major Character From Worst To Best

2. Mariah Stokes

Luke Cage Characters

Finest Moment: Killing Cottonmouth.

It might be a little hard to accept Alfre Woodard as another MCU character when she's already appeared in Captain America: Civil War, but let's all just ignore that, because she's brilliant as the multi-faceted Mariah Dillard/Stokes.

For the first half of the show, Mariah seems to be haunted by her criminal associations and her past, while still being seduced by the power it helps her wield. She wants good for Harlem, but seems to think it has to piggy-back on crime - another Wilson Fisk clone only with an apparently more highly tuned moral compass.

Except that's not her true form: instead she's actually a lot more like the Black Mariah spectre she seeks to escape, and eventually the layers are peeled back tantalisingly to reveal a new MCU evil power player by the end. It's a truly memorable journey to watch.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.