Marvel's The Defenders: 8 Huge Questions From The New Trailer

2. What Will Stick And Claire's Roles Be?

The Defenders Iron Fist

For five seasons, it has been assumed that Claire Temple would be the one to bring the Defenders together. While that may still be the case, it looks as though Stick has definitely taken over in a mentor role.

It definitely makes sense. Stick would definitely want to meet Iron Fist, the sworn enemy of the Hand, a group he has been fighting against in "the great war." If nothing else, the likes of Jessica Jones and Luke Cage would fascinate him. Stick would be an ideal trainer to turn the group from four individuals into a cohesive unit.

If that's the case, then what's Claire going to be up to?

One (unfortunate) possibility has already been discussed. It very well could be the case that Claire brings the group together, then promptly dies at the hands of Alexandra. This does seem unlikely mainly due to the fact that Rosario Dawson is currently billed for six of eight episodes on IMDb. That doesn't mean she won't bite the dust near the end of the series, however.

Shots of Claire are scarce in the trailer. In one, she definitely looks like she's in immediate danger. Could this be the untimely end of Claire Temple? Time will tell if this turns out to be true.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.