Marvel's The Defenders: 8 Huge Questions From The New Trailer

3. Who's The Militia?

The Defenders Iron Fist

It's a brief shot of a truck full of bad guys, but unless the Hand decided to upgrade their hardware (Swords? Really? In 2017?), it looks like this is something else entirely.

When it comes to other rogue groups of soldiers in the Netflix Marvel universe, there is one group that jumps to mind: IGH.

Teased at the end of Jessica Jones, IGH is known for providing roided out supervillains, such as Will Simpson's Nuke. They also might have given Jones her abilities.

Learning a bit more about the shadowy organization, even if they only appear in one episode, would be a nice bridge to Season 2 of Jessica Jones, set to come out in early 2018. If they are all as manic and powerful as Simpson was, then the Defenders are going to have a real fight on their hands. In fact, they might have made more intriguing villains than the Hand for the third time...

Sure, this could end up being something boring like a random group of criminals, but it doesn't seem as though they would be deemed important enough to make it into the trailer.

The leader of the group, played by Babs Olasanmokun, is shown in a battle against with Luke Cage in one set photo. It remains to be seen what Sowande and his militia's role will be in the series.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.