Marvel's The Defenders: Ranking Every Major Character From Worst To Best

6. Claire Temple

The Defenders Claire Temple

After appearing in all five seasons of these shows so far, we probably know Claire Temple better than the Defenders themselves, so it was expected that the night nurse would have a significant role in the show. Sadly, while she has her moments, Rosario Dawson's character is mostly underused.

Seeing as she knows all four heroes personally, Claire should have been a major factor in the heroes coming together. As it is, she introduces Luke and Danny to each other, but after that it is never drawn attention to that Claire connects them all. Would it have killed them to give us a scene between Claire and Matt? Matt must feel something about his former lover being in a relationship with Luke?

Still, Claire remains a brilliantly gutsy, smart character so it's a joy whenever she shows up. If only the show had treated her somewhat better, though, she would rank even higher.


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