Marvel's The Punisher: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

6. Madani Will Go After Russo Again

The Punisher Madani

Despite a near-death experience, Billy Russo himself being severely injured, and the CIA case now being a closed matter, Dinah Madani still wants revenge come the end of The Punisher.

It's understandable, given the way their relationship started and where it ultimately went to, but it's going to be interesting to see just how Madani does go after Billy Russo in the future and where her career goes to.

She's such a big part of the season that, by having her survive, it ensures she'll be a driving force once again should a Season 2 happen (and it really must), and will be attempting to put Russo away should he in any way recover (which obviously he will).

She might well have more resources to do it too, as in exposing the CIA conspiracy - not to mention how highly she's thought of by the higher-ups - there's a good chance for her to become a higher-ranking official in Homeland, which will only aid her quest for revenge against Russo. He may have been beaten to a pulp, but from Madani's point-of-view she still hasn't served him the justice he deserves for killing Sam Stein, and can't rest until that happens.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.