Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 Best Netflix Characters

2. Matt Murdock/Daredevil

Appears On: Daredevil Charlie Cox had the unenviable task of being first to bat for the Netflix corner of the MCU. If he'd been anything less than great - especially with the shadow of 2003's Ben Affleck-led film looming over him - the foundation for the Defenders would've been shaky right out of the gate. On top of that, he had to stand out against a backdrop of popular heroes already holding the MCU up like Iron Man, Captain America, and the Hulk. By the end of its run, he'd more than lived up to the challenge, giving fans an acclaimed take on the character, appeasing many worries about the Netflix/Marvel partnership, and earning himself a future in the MCU where the sky's the limit. From his genuine chemistry with characters like Claire, Foggy, and Stick to the fact he's a character that actually bleeds and suffers physical consequence, Matt is a character that's easy to like and easy to root for, and his incoming conflict with Frank Castle is going to challenge him in ways that will only continue to make him even more interesting to watch.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!