Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 TV Shows That Need To Happen

7. Captain Britain

Who says every superhero has to come from New York? While there were rumours that Martin Freeman would play the character in Captain America: Civil War, this has pretty much been ruled out now - which leaves Captain Britain free to lead his own TV show. But why should he? Well, for a start it would extend the global breadth of the MCU, as well as give Marvel's long history of British comics a chance to make it to the screen. Created by X-Men legend Chris Claremont, Brian Braddock was a shy aristocrat until he was granted superpowers by Merlin and appointed protector of Great Britain. So, like Moon Knight, Captain Britain could also further explore the mystical side of the Marvel world. As for the form the series could take, if Marvel could continue to work with Fox as they have done for the upcoming X-Men series Legion and Hellfire then we could have a TV series based on Excalibur, a team of superheroes led by Captain Britain which includes mutants Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde.

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