Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 TV Shows That Need To Happen

3. Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)

While Luke Cage, who featured as a regular character on Jessica Jones, will be getting his own Netflix show soon, the MCU still doesn't have enough leads who aren't white males. Enter Kamala Khan - a recent addition to Marvel comics who is a teenage superhero, and also just so happens to be the first Muslim character to headline a comic book. Kamala's comic iteration is so popular giving her a TV series could surely only be a winning move. An everygirl character, Kamala is a hugely endearing lead and her skillset includes shapeshifting which no one else currently in the MCU has, something that would set her apart from her fellow heroes. The ideal time for a Ms Marvel series would be shortly after the Captain Marvel movie comes out in 2019, as a big part of Kamala's motivation is that Carol Danvers AKA Captain Marvel is her idol. Such a move would work perfectly within the world of the MCU and would show that Marvel were keen on diversifying their protagonists.

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