Marvel Cinematic Universe: Every Upcoming TV Show Ranked By Anticipation

9. Damage Control

Premieres: Likely Fall 2016 The Marvel Cinematic Universe has always had its fair share of humor, but nothing quite like Damage Control. Detailing the lives of the clean up crew assigned to deal with the messes left behind by the various superheroes and villains of the world, the show is being designed as a half-hour sitcom to air on ABC. It's being developed under the guidance of Ben Karlin, a former EP for The Daily Show and The Colbert Report who's also no stranger to ABC, having worked on their ongoing series Modern Family. Like Most Wanted, hardly any details have come to light about exactly how close - if at all - the series will adhere to the comics, which saw MCU heavy hitters like Tony Stark and Wilson Fisk involved in the company's origins, and how the sitcom style will mesh with the rest of Marvel's massive franchise. Whether it pays off or not, Marvel deserves credit for their willingness to take the unique risk, and it's hard not to look forward to its arrival, even just for curiosity's sake.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!