Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D: 5 Things We Can't Wait To See

4. Joss Whedon's Inimitable Humour

buffy 2 It's been a while since Joss Whedon has truly been at the helm of a weekly television show, thanks to his movie-making duties. Not since Dollhouse in 2010 have we had a weekly fix of Whedonesque humour (brief forays in to directing individual episodes of the likes of Glee and The Office withstanding) so it will be very cool to have his work back on our televisions on a regular basis. Even with the likes of Firefly and Dollhouse, the buzz around said shows was nothing like the excitement surrounding this one - the existing movies have created a ready-made audience for this show that practically ensures its success prior to it even airing. If this show even comes close to imitating the overall success of the Buffyverse, however, we're in for one heck of an enjoyable ride with witty one-liners galore.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.