Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D: 5 Things We Can't Wait To See

5. A-List Cameos

Nick Fury We will all undoubtedly be watching the show week after week in the hope of seeing appearances - however brief they may be - from the likes of Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark) and Chris Evans (Steve Rogers). The show is expected to focus more on new cases and newly discovered superhuman characters on the MCU's Earth, but it is inevitable that the characters will cross paths with some of the already established stars of the Hollywood blockbuster movies that have already taken place in this continuity, given the association that the titular organisation has with said characters. Ratings would no doubt go through the roof if rumours of an Iron Man cameo started doing the rounds - it would be a huge oversight on Marvel Studios' part to completely shun the idea of bringing the big names to the show - and it would make the fact that the show is meant to be in the same continuity as the movies far more believable. It's not something that anyone expects to happen every week, but the occasional cameo would do just fine.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.