Marvel's Daredevil Season 2: 10 Ups And 2 Downs

3. Daredevil V The Punisher

Daredevil ups downs Punisher Elektra

The Punisher's battle with Daredevil was one of the biggest selling points of Season 2, an ideological battle between two characters who could in some ways be defined as heroes, but take it to much darker extremes, especially in the case of Frank Castle. 

Although they inevitably came together later on, the opening episodes of the season were given over to these two facing off, and it certainly did not disappoint. 

The fight scenes between the pair were raw and severe, a weakened Matt (that's what'll happen when you're shot in the head) given a beatdown by the Punisher, and ending up in chains. That rooftop scene, based on an iconic moment from the comics, was fantastic to watch, as Daredevil struggled with saving lives and refusing to kill, and it perfectly highlighted the similarities and differences between the pair. 

It all came to a head at the end of The Punisher's mini-arc, when Daredevil actually rescues him, and their conversation in the graveyard was a deeper one than you'd normally find between hero and adversary. They may have ended up on the same side, but those first few episodes, watching them go head-to-head, made for some fantastically intense and exciting viewing. 

Now, onto the downs of Season 2...


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.