Marvel's Daredevil Season 3: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

5. Foggy Nelson

Daredevil Season 3

Some fans have had problems with the way Foggy has been portrayed as "whiny" or "clingy" towards Matt in past seasons, personally though that seems like a natural reaction to finding out your best pal risks his life every night as a vigilante. Season 3, however, slightly recalibrates Foggy's character to make him much more charming and endearing.

After spending the first few episodes mourning Matt's loss, Foggy's main role in the season is to be a source of optimism - he always believes that they can beat Fisk with the power of the law. He's painted as the nicest character on the show so clearly that this viewer briefly wondered if he was going to be killed instead of Karen (thankfully I was wrong).

What didn't work so well was his bid to run for DA which ultimately went nowhere. However, at least the season ends with Nelson & Murdock (& Page) back in business, which is what we all really wanted.

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