Marvel's Daredevil Season 3: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

6. Ray Nadeem

Daredevil Season 3

Honestly, Ray Nadeem is a pretty frustrating and arguably even unlikeable character for the first half of Daredevil season 3. As we the audience know he's being so easily manipulated by Fisk, it's hard to muster any sympathy for the hole he is digging himself into. Plus, giving a great deal of screentime to a new character so unconnected to our heroes seemed like a bad idea.

However, the season really manages to turn our opinions on Nadeem around in its second half, as Nadeem bravely realises that things have gone too far and he needs to correct them, even at the cost of his own relationships, career - and eventually his life.

Jay Ali is terrific in these later episodes and the tragic story of Nadeem, a good man compromised and corrupted by the evil of Fisk, in some ways becomes the heart of the season.

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