Marvel's Jessica Jones: 33 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

23. Jewel

During the fifth episode's flashback sequences, it is revealed that Trish tried to convince Jessica to use her powers for good, even going to the lengths of designing her a costume and giving her a super-name - "Jewel." As comic fans will have noticed, the costume is a near clone of the outfit Jones wore in the comics during her time as superhero Jewel before she turned away from that path The issue of the name comes up when she meets Kilgrave for the first time. Impressed with her fighting skills, he asks what her name is. When she says Jessica Jones, he asks for her superhero name, in the exact reverse of this famous sequence from the comics...
And because there's always another gag, there's also a cheeky nod there to Daredevil when Trish puts Jewel's mask on and Jessica spins it round so it looks like Daredevil's mask, and asks if she could fight like that.

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