Marvel's Jessica Jones: Everything You Need To Know

1. It'll Probably Cut A Lot Out Of The Comics

That said, there's likely to be a lot from the comics that don't make the leap to Netflix. Whilst the streaming service isn't averse to more risque content €“ as evidenced by the sex-filled likes of Orange Is The New Black and now Sense8 €“ and Marvel have definitely aimed for a more adult market with Daredevil, Alias...Alias is different. This is, after all, the comic that featured a panel of Luke Cage having sex with Jessica Jones in an awkward place (no, not the back of a Volkswagen), on multiple occasions. Daredevil pushed the envelope considerably in terms of violence, turning the bloodless Avengers films into something far more gritty. And frequently icky. Don't expect them to be the same with the sexual content, because America's weird like that. It's also unlikely that Carol Danvers will appear in the show, as she does frequently in the comics, since Marvel are planning a Captain Marvel film and probably don't want her introduced there. Ditto the new Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Spider-Woman... Admittedly, there's a lot Alias will lose in translation. But with everybody involved and by staying true to the spirit of the comics, Jessica Jones is probably going to be pretty great.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at