Marvel's Luke Cage: 10 Things The Netflix Series Needs To Do To Succeed

5. Hero For Hire

Luke CAge Iron Fist Heroes for Hire
Marvel Comics

A superhero has to make a living, and although we could just see Luke tend to his bar for the whole season, it would be far more interesting if he did something wildly different. With his powers, and the right entrepreneurial makeup, it’s possible that Cage could emulate his business-oriented persona from the comics.

Cage is notable for being one of the few superheroes to try and monetize his powers. He dubbed himself a Hero For Hire, helping citizens out with whatever they need, so long as they pay his fee.

This would represent a fresh take on the familiar superhero material. As such, if used properly it could create a middle ground between the brooding crime-fighters of Netflix and the impassioned superheroes of the films.

This sort of premise could also make for some easier storytelling. Just like there are filler episodes with Matt Murdock pursuing legal cases, or Jessica Jones doing detective work, Heroes For Hire could give Luke Cage some adventures to pursue not directly related to the season-long arc. These kind of breaks are essential for the story to breathe, and a business like this would be an organic way to include them.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.