Marvel's Luke Cage: 10 Things The Netflix Series Needs To Do To Succeed

3. Address Jessica Jones

Luke CAge Iron Fist Heroes for Hire

Evidently, thanks to factors like Kristyn Ritter’s availability and not wanting to distract from Cage himself, Jessica Jones is not going to be a major player in this series. That’s not to say that she won’t show up, but this definitely isn’t going to be her story.

That presents an interesting problem, since we as an audience only know Luke through Jessica’s experiences. Luke Cage is going to have to quickly find a way to address and explain Jessica’s absence from this series. She's clearly important to him, so the show has to be convincing without getting too bogged down in it.

With this in mind, Luke Cage faces a similar problem that most Marvel movies face. Logically, if up against a big enough threat, he ought to simply call up his superhero buddy, but for the sake of the story, he cannot. The movies still haven't come up with a satisfying reason for this, but maybe Luke Cage can start a trend.

Luke Cage will be fine without Jessica Jones, they just need to satisfactorily explain why she can’t get involved.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.