Marvel's The Punisher: 31 Easter Eggs & References You Need To See

26. Moby Dick

Moby Dick The Punisher

The fact that Frank borrows Moby Dick from Curtis is no accident either, since it takes in a tale of a man blinded by a personal vendetta. Captain Ahab might as well be Frank: both are single-minded to their own detriment and both actually enjoy the hunt and the kill.

Frank's knowledge of classical literature shouldn't come as a surprise either, despite his courseness. When Billy pokes fun at him in the Kandahar flashback, it's a reference to Garth Ennis' The Tyger, which focuses on The Punisher in his early days when he attended a class to discuss and read poetry.

He also reads F Scott Fitzgerald's Crack-Up essays and Cyborgs and Barbie Dolls: Feminism, Popular Culture and the Posthuman Body by Kim Toffoletti. So yeah, The Punisher is a feminist scholar.


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