Marvel's The Punisher New Trailer Breakdown: 11 Things You Need To See

3. More Rawlins

William Rawlins Punisher Netflix

Rawlins, for those not in the know, is - at the current moment at least - the upcoming series' primary antagonist.

Played by Paul Schulze, the character was first introduced in the Punisher's sixth volume, created by Garth Ennis. While operating in the Middle East, Rawlins shoved his ex-wife out of a flying helicopter to protect the secrecy of the drug trade he was supporting with his unit. He later set up an operation to kill Frank Castle with partner Nicky Cavella, which he managed to screw-up somewhat spectacularly.

Ex-wife Kathryn O'Brien and Castle end up torturing the bloke, which results in him losing an eye. Eagle-eyed viewers will have noticed that the MCU's Rawlins is partially blind in one eye too, and it's unlikely to be just a simple nod to the comics.

Rawlins hasn't even said a line and yet he's still able to fashion a terrifying presence on camera. Could he be another Kingpin in the making?

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.