Mayans MC: 10 Most Dangerous Characters, Ranked

1. Lincoln Potter

Mayans MC Miguel Galindo

Lincoln Potter is an Assistant U.S. Attorney in charge of a task force made up of FBI, ATF, and ICE agents. He leads an investigation into S.A.M.C.R.O.'s involvement with the Irish Kings and Galindo Cartel during the fourth season of Sons of Anarchy.

Potter's investigation is eventually squashed by the C.I.A, sending him AWOL until his re-appearance in Mayans. M.C. Fans knew immediately what to expect when Potter showed up in Santo Padre; his last stint in Charming led to the death and betrayal of Juice. Potter enjoys toying with his enemies, forcing them to turn on their organizations.

Ray McKinnon's character comes off as eccentric - "It's a spectrum thing," he says - but is unmistakably calculating and cunning. He will cross any legal and ethical boundaries to get what he wants. He even has the power to shut down the U.S./Mexico border, which he does in the third season of Mayans M.C.

Not only is Potter operating with the full support of the law, but he becomes personally invested in every investigation he leads, acting as a leech until he gets what he wants.

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