Mayans MC: 10 Most Dangerous Characters, Ranked

3. Miguel Galindo

Mayans MC Miguel Galindo

Miguel Galindo is the son of Jose Galindo, the founder of the Galindo Cartel. He took over the business after the death of his father and has been running it ever since. Unlike his father, Miguel has an Ivy League background and has become a prominent businessman in the state of California.

Miguel isn't like other depictions of cartel bosses on television. Miguel is clean-cut, highly intelligent, and even quite affable. However, Galindo is known to be cold-hearted and ruthless when need be, ordering the executions of innocent people. Galindo is perhaps the most dangerous person in Santo Padre as he operates free from the law and pulls strings on both sides of the border.

Miguel may not be the type to chop off heads in broad daylight but that doesn't mean he's any less heartless than his father. At the end of the day, Miguel is still the head of a violent drug cartel, no matter how many business proposals and land development deals he tries to hide behind. Make no mistake, Miguel Galindo is a savage.

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