MCU: 10 Worst Netflix Characters

1. Griffin Sinclair - Jessica Jones

The Punisher Agent Orange

The pacing of the first five or so episodes of Jessica Jones Season 2 was a little off anyway, but that wasn't helped by how much time we spent with Trish and her partner Griffin. For a while, there were hints that he had a dark secret, suggesting he had something to do with the whole IGH business.

However, this was revealed to be a red herring and he was actually planning an engagement party. Unfortunately for him, Trish wasn't feeling it and dumped him - and, just to prove how pointless a character Griffin is, this dumping happened off-screen.

After that, Griffin never appeared again and the season got much better with him out the way. Even without his non-starter of a storyline, the character was just unpleasant to watch - no offence, actor Hal Oszan. Maybe that was an intentional performance choice. For some reason.

Who are your most hated characters in the Marvel-Netflix world? Let us know in the comments below.


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