MCU: Every Disney+ Series Finale Ranked Worst To Best (So Far)
Where does Ms. Marvel's conclusion rank among the rest?

Phase Four is now in full swing, and is already bigger than either Phases One or Two. Thor: Love and Thunder gave the first post-Infinity Saga chapter its sixth movie, but there has also been the franchise’s foray into the streaming world to consider.
Starting with WandaVision, and with Ms. Marvel adding to it most recently, the MCU can now boast seven Disney+ series. These have by and large been a lot of fun, while some have been surprising for different reasons, both good and bad, but there has been something of a perceived trend across them all.
Season or series finales are difficult for any TV show to nail, with those that actually achieve such a feat forming a relatively exclusive club, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe have particularly struggled so far. This is down to a number of reasons, but that’s not to say that all seven finales so far have been bad.
From big battles to quieter, more reserved conversations, these finales have been as differing and as varied as the shows themselves. Of course, some have been stronger than others, but which have impressed, and which have let fans down?
7. Gods & Monsters - Moon Knight

More so in Phase Four than ever before, the MCU has been incredibly hit and miss, with Moon Knight arguably representing the most disappointing Disney+ series so far. This could have been a dark and gritty series on par with the very special Daredevil, but ultimately it was almost boring.
To say it was called Moon Knight, there wasn’t much of Marc or Steven actually in the suit, and though the finale refreshingly provided more of this than in the previous five episodes combined, it wasn’t enough to make a strong episode.
Ultimately, too much of it devolved into a big CGI battle between Khonshu and Ammit. The strongest aspect of the series was unquestionably Oscar Isaac's performance as both Marc and Steven, with his nuances being expertly explored in episode five, but one episode later he was largely sidelined for sub-par CGI and the most disappointing character in the show, the God of the Moon himself.
It wasn’t without its merits of course, with Layla’s evolution into the Scarlet Scarab, the revelation of Jake Lockley's existence, and Marc and Steven’s reunion leading the way, but when all was said and done this was a disappointing full-stop at the end of a disappointing series.