MCU: Every Netflix Marvel Season Ranked Worst To Best
9. Iron Fist: Season 2

Considering the overwhelmingly negative reception to the first season and how underwhelming The Defenders turned out to be, it's hard to argue with the fact that Iron Fist's second season had a major uphill battle before it when it released in 2018. Armed with a new showrunner in Raven Metzner - mercifully taking over from Scott Buck, who'd also punished MCU fans with Inhumans in 2017 - season two improved on the first season in a lot of ways.
Aside from dropping the episode count from 13 to 10, having The Hand storyline done and over with meant that season two could have a clearer, more personal focus in the Danny/Davos relationship. And though the characterization and arc of Davos himself wasn't superb, the season did introduce Alice Eve as "Typhoid" Mary Walker, an antagonistic newcomer who often stole the show and could've had a bright future ahead of her.
Sadly, though, that future was cut too short, as the cancellation of the show following the season marked the beginning of the end for the Netflix shows. It's truly unfortunate, too, as season two really went a long way in course-correcting the series, proving why characters like Ward and Colleen were still great to watch and ending in a wild cliffhanger that showed so much promise about the show well and truly embracing its roots and going wild in season three.