MCU What If...? - 10 Biggest Takeaways From Episode 4

6. The First Series Crossover (Kind Of)

What If...? Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios

The wonderful premise of What If…? allows for countless different universes to be explored throughout the series, with each different episode so far being the focus for a different one. However, episode four in one regard gave fans their first What If…? crossover.

In episode one, Peggy Carter received the super soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers, which set off a chain reaction of events. This allowed Johann Schmidt to actually use the Tesseract to bring forth a huge tentacled monster through the cube, before it ultimately ate him and was sent back to where it came from by Captain Carter herself.

It would appear that this same creature was summoned by Doctor Strange in episode four. He first asked for it to spare him a tentacle or two so he could absorb its power. When this didn’t work, Strange built up to it by starting small, and eventually killed it and took its power by force.

This is Shuma-Gorath, an ancient demon and powerful villain of Doctor Strange in the comics that is also rumoured to be making an appearance in the Multiverse of Madness, and has already fought both Captain Carter and Strange Supreme in the MCU.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.