How I Met Your Mother: 10 Ways The Finale Totally Lived Up To Expectations

4. The Mother Dies

It turns out that all of those fan theories were right. The Mother dies. While this may be heartbreaking (and, once again, a possible slap in the face for the fans who have waited nine years to see Ted happy with The Mother), it definitely lived up to the expectations of the theorists predicting this for a while beforehand. But there has even been a fan edit in which the whole storyline of Tracy dying has been cut out, and the show simply fades to black after they meet. Which is nice n' all, but it's not how the show ends. There is something quite fitting about Tracy's death, though, as the audience has always known that they wouldn't meet The Mother until now, and so every other relationship into which Ted entered was doomed from the off, so this one almost had to be as well. So goes the luck, if you can call it that, of Ted Mosby - even after finding Tracy, his beautiful bass-playing co-nerd who gave him his two wonderful children, the relationship still had to end. And then, in the circular fashion that How I Met Your Mother has come to love, we return to their beginnings, and...

I'm a British filmmaker (or, at least, trying to be) and about to graduate with a Film Studies degree. Most of the time I should spend working is actually on Netflix so I obviously have loads of life experience to share with you lovely people.