How I Met Your Mother: 10 Ways The Finale Totally Lived Up To Expectations

3. Ted Finally Meets The Mother (And We Find Out Her Name)

Cut back to Farhampton station, and Ted finally gets up the courage to talk to the beautiful bass player, who has already affected his life in so many ways (previously meeting the rest of the gang and helping them through their troubles). And it's adorable. They finally bond over their shared yellow umbrella and, as we now find out, their shared initials. The Mother weaves her words through the initials T M, mistaken to be for Ted Mosby, after finally reveals her name to be Tracy McConnell, saying it's "always belonged, T M, to me."
What's in a name? Well, as far as we can see here, pretty much nothing. They share initials, and that's cute, as well as both sharing the initials of the moniker "The Mother", but, just like the kids' being Penny and Luke, The Mother's name almost doesn't matter at this point, because it's what she represents for Ted - true happiness, if only for eleven short years - that the fans care about. And then Ted's story is finished, so inevitably...

I'm a British filmmaker (or, at least, trying to be) and about to graduate with a Film Studies degree. Most of the time I should spend working is actually on Netflix so I obviously have loads of life experience to share with you lovely people.