Metropolis: 10 Things The Superman Prequel Must Include
4. Villains That Make Sense
One of Gotham's biggest problems as a show was that it rushed head first into concepts and characters it wasn't ready to handle, certainly not in an organic way for a show revolving around Bruce Wayne's childhood.
Certain villains do make sense in that context, but when teases for the Joker abound by Bruce's fourteenth birthday, things clearly aren't working out.
With Metropolis, that same temptation to implement classic Superman villains will be there. The show's premise, said to revolve around 'the world of fringe science' and Metropolis' 'dark and bizarre secrets', screams that it will follow in its predecessor's footsteps, but that's not a good thing. There are certainly Superman villains that would work in this context, but most - either because they're too powerful, or because they're extraterrestrial in origin - would not, and that in itself invites attempts to retrofit a new continuity that neither fans nor mainstream audiences will likely appreciate.
It needn't be that way however, and with DC being able to boast a catalogue of villains tailor-made for this kind of context, Metropolis' showrunners would do well to exercise restraint, and pick the bad guys that lend themselves well to a genuine Superman prequel.